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10 MAR 2021 (WED) | 19:15-20:15

365 days of COVID19 (tracking) in Switzerland – What comes next?


Professor Kay W. Axhausen


10 March 2021 (Wednesday)


19:15 – 20:15 (Hong Kong Time)


CBC, LG1/F Chow Yei Ching Building, The University of Hong Kong and Via ZOOM



An active GPS tracking study gave the IVT ETH Zürich in collaboration with the WWZ, University Basel the chance to start a panel to observe the impact of the pandemic and of the local administrative measure on travel behaviour. The sample size varied between 1300 and 500 over the course of the last year. The presentation will address the changes in immobility, mileage, mode choice and activity space. Due to the socio-demographic information available from the fall 2019 and further updates in 2020 these analyses will be broken down the level of accessibility of the home location, work status, income, gender and age. It will highlight the rebound effects in VMT and trip making of working from home.

The second part of talk will discuss the longer term impacts of the pandemic and how this might impact the transport and settlement systems in the months/years to come. The basic dilemma of transport policy making will not broken up by its impacts.


Dr. K.W. Axhausen is Professor of Transport Planning at the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich. He has been involved in the measurement and modelling of travel behaviour for the past 37 years contributing especially to the literature on stated preferences, micro-simulation of travel behaviour, accessibility, valuation of travel time and its components, parking behaviour, activity scheduling and travel diary data collection.Current work focuses on the agent-based micro-simulation toolkit MATSim (see ). The current GPS tracking study ( is part of his work on modelling the COVID19 pandemic.


All are welcome! The seminar will be held in-person and via ZOOM. Places are limited and prior registration is required. Especially, there will be limited quotas for in-person participants as crowd management in line with government announcements on group gathering under COVID-19 is currently being carried out at the University of Hong Kong. Please register by email to .Confirmation emails with ZOOM link will be sent to participants. As a courtesy to fellow participants, please try to come to the venue if you have successfully been registered with physical attendance.

Notes to in-person participants:

All in-person participants should keep a distance of at least 1.5m from others and be checked the body temperature upon arrival to the venue. They are also required to fill in the health declaration form and leave their contact information. All must wear masks. Drinking and eating are prohibited at the venue.

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