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29 MAR 2022 (TUE), 19:00 – 20:00 HKT

Viable Electric Vehicle Charging Facility Planning Models for Asian Cities with High Population Density



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Professor Qiang Meng

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

National University of Singapore

DATE & TIME: 29 March 2022 (Tuesday), 19:00 – 20:00 (Hong Kong Time)


Institute of Transport Studies, The University of Hong Kong


Professor Becky P.Y. Loo (Director) and Professor W.Y. Szeto (Deputy Director), The University of Hong Kong


As a clean transportation means, the electric vehicle (EV) has received increasing interest from different stakeholders. However, it is a challenge for an Asian city with high population density such as Singapore and Hong Kong to well plan the EV charging infrastructure due to the dense and tall residential buildings, limited driving range of EVs, and taxi services. Therefore, it is imperative to develop variable EV charging facility planning models for the Asian dense cities.

In this study, a four-step model is developed to deploy normal and fast-charging stations that can satisfy the charging demand of private EVs, 1-shift, and 2-shift electric taxis. To further consider charging service for electric taxis, a fast-charging facility planning model is formulated based on the taxi trajectory data subject to EV battery degradation and vehicle heterogeneity in driving range. A case study in Singapore is thoroughly conducted, and insightful policy implications are revealed: policy-makers could use the proposed methodology to significantly save investment and reduce total waiting time for charging; overlooking battery degradation and vehicle heterogeneity will yield a biased electric taxi charging facility planning.


Prof. Qiang Meng is a Prof. in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS), the co-director of LTA-NUS Transportation Centre, and the director of the Centre for Transportation Research of CEE. His research mainly focuses on urban mobility modeling and optimization, shipping and intermodal freight transportation analysis, and quantitative risk assessment of transport operations. He has published more than 230 journal articles with total citations of 13,579 and an H-index of 68 in Google Scholar.

Prof. Meng is now the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part E and Multimodal Transportation (a new transportation journal launched by the Southeast University of China and Elsevier), and Associate Editor of Transportation Research Part B.

Prof. Meng has clinched many research awards and prizes, including the best paper award for institutional innovation in the 14th EASTS International Conference in 2021, 2020 TSL (Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS) Best Paper Award in Freight Transportation and Logistics, OCDI Takeuchi Yoshio Best Paper Award in the Field of Logistics in the 13th EASTS International Conference in 2019, Engineer Research Award of Faculty of Engineering at NUS in 2018, Chang Jiang Scholars Chair Professorship awarded by the Ministry of Education of PR China in 2017, Dean’s Chair in Faculty of Engineering at NUS in 2015, and the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research Society Prize for the best paper in 2013.


The Institute of Transport Studies, HKU was established in 2003. It is a university centre that seeks to identify research programmes as mission-oriented activities and not by traditional academic disciplines alone. As an exemplary interdisciplinary research group, the Institute is having 29 Institute Fellows, all being academic staff at the Professional level, from the Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. Apart from hosting the Distinguished Transport Lecture series, international workshops and other seminars, the Institute has co-organized the International Conference on Smart Mobility and Logistics in Future Cities with the Chartered Institute of Transport and Logistics in Hong Kong and the Transport Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

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